I’ve got three slipped discs and had three surgeries (injections and laser). I’m struggling with the right exercises to help take away the pain and now seen a few different physios.
What do you recommend as the best exercises to help reduce inflammation and nerve pain?
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Hi Steve,
Just wondering what kind of exercises the Physios have given you?
There are a few things you can do which can help. Have you heard of McKenzie extensions? https://youtu.be/x2a0SdpR8VE
Also might be worth checking out IDD therapy too, which is a computerised spinal decompression therapy https://youtu.be/qcEEJTcy3Sg
Thanks Jonathan,
I’ve attached the exercises I was given. Also they advised including hamstring stretches, placing a towel around my foot and then trying to stretch my hamstring as far as possible.

https://youtu.be/9SKuFe2SERs - Athlean x on how to fix bulging discs
Awesome thanks Jonathan, really appreciate it!
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